Vinyl and wood are very popular materials that are used in fencing. They are both great options but you should learn
about the pros and cons of each. Nowadays, it seems vinyl is giving wood a run for its money.
A vinyl fence install may be more costly at the time of install. Over time, a vinyl fence will be more cost efficient than
wood and generally outlast wood. Wooden boards may rot or fade, but each board can be replaced individually. Vinyl
won’t warp and fade will look the same as the day it was installed. The regular maintenance of a vinyl fence should be a
regular wash down.
If you choose wood, make sure it’s a quality wood that will just need to be washed, stained and sealed every few years. A high-quality wooden fence should easily last 20-plus years. A vinyl fence lasts longer.
If it’s the natural look you’re wanting, you can beat a wood fence. Talk to Davis Fences about which wood will suit your needs. There are different types of wood that can be used in the installation of your new fence.
Vinyl fencing has improved and there are products that look like wood but if you truly want the natural look of a wooden fence, get a wooden fence. Don’t forget that wood can be refinished and painted to suit taste and changed over its lifetime. However, with a vinyl fence, the colour you choose to be installed is the colour that will be it for the life of the fence.
Vinyl fences are low maintenance. Just rinse them off with a garden hose or a power washer. If you want to wash your
wooden fence, you have to use a power washer type hose to get it clean. If you have a white vinyl fence on your
property, you will need to wash it regularly if you want it dirt-free. Vinyl is a durable product, but if gets damaged it’s a
little more difficult to repair than wood. Damage to a vinyl fence may call for a whole panel of the fence to be replaced,
whereas with a wooden fence, chances are just one board will need replacing. If you have damage to any type of fence,
vinyl or wood, call Davis Fences.
By now, you have probably realized that are pros and cons with each type of fencing material. Talk to Davis Fences about
the vinyl and products that are used in fence installation. They will assist you in your decision about the type of material
whether you need a fence for your residential or commercial property. They will use their generations of expertise to
offer you the type of fencing that you can enjoy for years to come. They can install a variety of fences, not only vinyl and
wooden fences.
Trust Davis Fences in Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Hamilton and surrounding areas!
Call Davis Fences at (905) 643-993
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